3 Signs Your HVAC Needs Heating System Repair in Conyers, GA

by | Mar 20, 2020 | Air Conditioning

Homeowners that rely on their heating systems during the coldest months of the year are often shocked when their HVAC stops working. Though heating systems do malfunction suddenly, this is typically a result of poor maintenance.

Prioritize your heating system repair by planning for regular maintenance and taking action when you notice any of the following three signs:

You Hear Noises From the Heater

Heaters aren’t supposed to make noise. so any noise is a sign that something’s wrong. If you hear any rattling, banging, or clunking, you’re in need of heating system repair in Conyers, GA.

If you do hear any of these aforementioned noises, this is a sign that you’re one wrong move away from a complete system breakdown, so be sure to respond to any noises accordingly.

The HVAC is Experiencing Short-Cycling

Short-cycling refers to the heater switching on, running for a short period of time, and then switching off. When an HVAC system short-cycles, this is a sign of a serious problem.

Short-cycling typically indicates that your HVAC is on its way out. Make sure your HVAC gets the attention it needs by working with the right HVAC service to handle the job.

Your Home Has a Lot of Dust

If there is an excessive amount of dust in your house, this may indicate an issue with the heating system. Before you attribute this accumulation of dust to a lack of cleaning, make sure to have your HVAC checked.

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