3 Things You Must Do Before Your Divorce in Tampa

by | Jan 27, 2023 | Lawyers and Law Firms

Going through a divorce in Tampa is a big decision and it can be an overwhelming process. If you are looking to begin the process of dissolving your marriage in Tampa, here are three important steps you must take before filing.

Gather Financial Information

When considering a divorce, it is important to gather all of your financial documents before filing. This includes income tax returns, bank statements, credit card statements, investment accounts, and retirement account information. Gather all of this information as it will be needed for the court if you choose to file without a lawyer or with one who does not provide full-service legal representation. Having access to these records will also help you negotiate for an equitable division of marital assets and debts.

Create a Parenting Plan

If you have children that were born during the marriage, then you need to create a parenting plan that outlines how decisions regarding their care will be made and how they will spend time with each parent following the divorce. This plan should include details such as how much time each parent spends with the children and who has final decision-making authority when it comes to educational decisions and medical treatments. It should also include provisions for any special holidays or vacations that may arise in the future.

Seek Legal Advice

Divorce laws vary from state to state so make sure that you seek legal advice about the specific laws applicable in Florida before filing for divorce in Tampa. An experienced family law attorney can provide valuable insight into your rights as a spouse, advise you on any potential settlement options and prepare the necessary paperwork for court filings. Additionally, having an attorney on your side can help protect your rights throughout the entire process from start to finish.

Getting divorced is an emotional experience but being prepared makes it easier to navigate successfully through the process. Make sure that before filing for divorce in Tampa you gather all financial information related to your marriage, create a parenting plan if needed, and seek legal advice from an attorney who specializes in family law.

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