3 Ways to Stay Healthy While Living in Off Campus Housing Near KU

by | Feb 10, 2024 | Student Housing Center

One way to make sure you can handle everything college life throws at you can be to stay healthy. In fact, off campus housing can help you maintain your health so you can perform at your best. Read on to learn about a few ways you can be healthier when you live in off campus housing KU.

Spend Time With Your Dog

Spending time with a pet encourages socialization. For instance, you can take your pooch to the dog park. This can give you both an opportunity to make new friends, whether furry or human, and get some exercise. Besides this, your furry friend can provide you with companionship to decrease loneliness and alleviate depression.

Play Basketball or Volleyball

Playing sports can boost mental health and enhance physical fitness. For instance, you can have a healthier heart, strengthen your muscles, and ease stress. Another reason to play sports can be for social interaction. Being socially connected improves sleep and quality of life.

Exercise at the Fitness Center

Regular exercise can reduce your risk for disease, help you maintain a healthy weight, and boost brain health, among other things. You can head to the fitness center to meet up with friends and work out. Or you can go solo and have some alone time.

As expressed, staying in off campus housing KU can improve your health and happiness. This can enhance your mind, body, and spirit so you can stay on track toward earning your degree. Contact Helix 24 at https://livehelix24.com/.

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