4 Facts About Varicose Veins

by | Jan 14, 2016 | Health

If you are considering varicose veins removal, it can be helpful to learn a little about your condition beforehand. Understanding why you have them and what you can do to get the most from your treatment will just ensure that once you have your procedure done, you will be able to feel more confident and understand what may happen in the future. It basically will give you a peace of mind to learn the following four facts about varicose veins. Fact #1: There Are Many Causes of Varicose Veins Perhaps one of the major things misunderstood about varicose veins is why they occur. They are genetic, but it isn’t as straightforward as other things, like hair color. The tendency to get them can come from either side of your family and may skip generations. You can also get them due to pregnancy or being overweight. They are also caused by smoking, not exercising enough and sitting or standing for long periods of time. It helps to understand the cause before getting varicose veins removal because this will play a large role in whether you will have to repeat the procedure again in the future or not. If you can’t help what is causing them, then you should be prepared for future removal procedures. However, if you can prevent them, by losing weight or stopping smoking, for example, then this is something helpful to know. Fact#2: They Are Not Always Just Cosmetic When you go for your varicose veins removal consultation, your doctor will probably ask you a lot of questions and determine your general overall health. The reason for this is that sometimes varicose veins can be a symptom of a more serious issue. This consultation is an important part of the procedure because the removal procedure will only help remove the vein it is done on. If you have more serious issues, then those will need to be handled to prevent future issues. Fact #3: They Aren’t the Same As Spider Veins Many people confuse spider and varicose veins. They are different, though. Spider veins are small and thin and are usually not related to a medical concern. Varicose veins, though, are stretched-out veins that are usually caused by a valve issue in the veins. Fact #4: Anyone Can Get Them Many people mistakenly believe that only older women get varicose veins. In fact, anyone can get them, even men. They do usually affect older people more often because they are usually a result of long periods of standing or sitting over a long period of time. Of course, men and women both sit and stand for long periods at work, so they are equally likely to get them. However, women are more likely to seek removal, which is why people mistakenly believe they get them and not men, who don’t seek treatment as often. The good news is that treatment options are better than ever. The varicose veins removal options these days are easy procedures that you can have done in a lunch hour and can really make a major difference in your comfort level. Varicose veins removal is a good option if you have this condition. It is well worth considering scheduling a simple and quick varicose veins removal if you are suffering from pain and discomfort. Visit Vein Specialty Medical Clinic, Inc. for more information.

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