4 Practical Things to Consider Before Buying Custom Freshwater Fish Tanks

by | Jan 24, 2014 | Business

Aquarium lovers can gain a lot from choosing Custom Freshwater Fish Tanks over standard stock options. For a little extra cost, an aquarium can be completely customized to fit your space, practical needs and aesthetic preferences. These custom pieces can be an eye-catching focal point in your home or office. However, before you order a customized tank, there are some things you should consider. Below is a practical guide to getting the freshwater tank you’ve always dreamed of.

Pick a Good Location
Before you can design your tank, you’ll need to find a place to put it. The most cost-effective Custom Freshwater Fish Tanks are 100 gallons or more, so find a space that’s big enough to comfortably house your new aquarium. Dens, living rooms and large offices are all great candidates. The location of your tank should also be practical; experts recommend positioning your aquarium on a completely level spot away from direct sunlight, drafts and heating vents.

Remember Weight
Many people forget to account for the weight of a custom fish tank. Large custom tanks can weigh up to 1,000 pounds after they’re filled and outfitted, so take that into consideration before you set up your aquarium. Make sure the place you’re housing your tank is structurally sound enough to support the extra weight. Never assume that a store-bought display tray is sturdy enough without asking a professional first. If you’re unsure of the weight a floor or built-in counter can hold, contact a contractor or structural engineer.

Don’t Forget Maintenance
With a large custom tank, changing water can be a huge hassle. Having your tank designed so that water lines connect directly to it may be something you want to consider. This will make cleaning and maintenance efficient and easy, and can even contribute to the health of your fish.

Pick Acrylic or Glass
Custom tanks are either made of acrylic or glass, and both materials have advantages and disadvantages. Glass is less expensive and is considered to be more environmentally-friendly by some, but it is easier to scratch or break. Acrylic can be pricey, but it optically clear and repairable. If your tank is very large, you may want to choose acrylic simply because it weighs less than glass.

A custom freshwater aquarium can be a beautiful addition to your home or office. If you have further questions, contact the experts at Beitalsaquariums.com.

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