4 Signs You Need to Shop for a New Bed

by | Feb 13, 2019 | Furniture

A bad mattress may not seem all that important in the grand scheme of things, but it can lead to a slew of problems. Here are a few signs it’s time to start checking out mattresses in Santa Clara until you decide on a new one.


If there are certain portions of your mattress that are uneven or that sag, then that’s a clear sign that you need to invest in a new one. Sagging mattresses don’t provide you with the support you need when you sleep. That’s a good reason to shop around for a new one, the Reader’s Digest says.

Stuffy noise

If you keep waking up with a stuffy nose in the morning, try cleaning up your room to get rid of any dust or dirt that may be causing your allergies. However, if the problem persists, then you may have dust mites in your bed. The only recourse you have is to browse through mattresses in Santa Clara until you find a new one.

Poor sleep

If you keep waking up at night because you can’t find a comfortable spot, then your mattress may be to blame. Does it have uneven or sagging portions? Is a spring poking out? All these can result in a very uncomfortable time in bed. Start checking out new options. With a better mattress in place, you’ll start to get more sleep again.


If you keep hearing squeaky noises whenever you turn on your side, stretch or move a muscle, then that’s not good. It could be an indication that the inside of the mattress is already falling apart. Don’t wait until it completely breaks down on you. The last thing you want is to sleep over a spring that’s broken free. Start shopping around for a new bed so it’ll be ready even before your old one breaks apart for good.

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