4 Tips to Make Visits to Your Dog Groomer Easier

by | Sep 12, 2017 | Animal

Bringing along your dog to a professional groomer means less stress and worry for you. If you aren’t quite sure how to clip your dog’s nails without hurting your pet or how to properly bathe him or apply that anti-flea spray, then hiring a pro is a good move.

Here are a few tips you might want to know and put to good use to make things easier for you and your pet’s groomer:

Start early

It’s best to bring your dog to a dog grooming service in Great Falls MT when he’s still a puppy. That way, he can easily get used to the feel of having a groom deal with his nails. There’s nothing worse than a huge dog that’s skittish and turns tail whenever a stranger who comes near with a pair of clippers.

Check feet and ears

Debris can often build up in these places. If you want to keep your dog clean for as long as possible, regularly check and clean these areas out. A bit of cloth or cotton dipped in water should do the trick.

Time it right

If you wait a bit too long between visits to a dog grooming service in Great Falls MT, that’s going to mean longer grooming sessions. You’ll want to be realistic about that time frame so don’t schedule anything important right after. Time it right so you and your dog won’t be in a mad scramble trying to get somewhere in a hurry.

Stay calm

Petful says dogs pick up on what their humans feel. If you’re anxious, your dog will feel that as well. That could make for a difficult grooming session, with your dog squirming and trying to get away. Stay calm and steady when you drop him off so he won’t be afraid or upset when you leave him for an appointment.

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