4 Ways to Cope with a First Pregnancy

by | Sep 26, 2016 | Health

It can be scary if you’re expecting your first child. The stakes and expectations can seem rather high, the anxieties and worries spiking. No need to panic, though. Here are some of the best ways you and your partner or spouse can manage the situation better:

Join classes

Childbirth classes give you an idea of what’s going to happen. Think of it as a kind of run-through for the pregnancy. First-time parents will find this invaluable, especially in easing away anxieties and fears. Those fears aren’t going to go away any time soon, but at least you can effectively lower your anxiety and stress levels.

Think positive

Negativity can drain your energy. And when you’re undergoing labor, you need all the help and energy you can get. So nix the negativity, says Fit Pregnancy. Train your brain to look to the positive side of things. Bonding with other couples during pregnancy classes, is also one way to reduce the stress and negativity especially if both couples are happy about the pregnancy.

Study up

Read or find out as much as you can about the process. If you have any questions, though, or clarifications, keep them in mind and ask about them during class. Your teacher will only be too happy to supply you with helpful answers.

Find support

While classes arm you with the information you need to make your pregnancy a positive, stress-free experience, having the right help can do a lot to make that possible. So if you think you need some extra help, look into hiring a doula. Doula’s provide labor support. Studies show that doulas have cut down on the need for epidurals as well as C-sections by about half. So if you don’t want a C-section or epidural shot, you might want to consider booking the services of a doula when the time comes.

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