5 Reasons to Pay a Visit to Your Dentist Now

by | Apr 10, 2018 | Dentist

A bad toothache can knock the wind out of your sails. If you’re set for a busy work week ahead, waking up with an aching tooth will get in the way of all your plans.

That’s why it pays to go for regular visits to your dental care provider. Minimize the problems and costs by seeking out early treatment. Don’t just go whenever you have a bad toothache. Call for an appointment as soon as you experience the following symptoms.

You have inflamed gums

Inflamed gums may indicate gingivitis. However, if left untreated, this could escalate into periodontist is which in turn could lead to tooth loss, Active Beat explains. That’s going to be much harder to treat and therefore more expensive. Prevent these problems by finding a reputable, experienced and trained dentist in Mississauga.

You have an abscess

An abscess is a collection of pus in your gums. This usually indicates an infection. If you wait too long to visit your dentist and receive the treatment you need, the infection may spread to your jaw and other areas of your head and neck. You might even develop sepsis — a life-threatening infection that spreads throughout your body.

You have throbbing pain

This is the most common reason why people go to a dental care provider. However, it may be a wise idea to make that appointment as soon as you feel a increased sensitivity in a tooth or teeth.

You chipped your tooth

If you tripped and chipped your tooth, that’s another reason to go to the dentist. Know what your options are by consulting with a dental care provider and take action to repair the damage.

You have spots on your teeth

That’s one of the early signs of dental decay. If there’s an infection in your tooth, then you’ll want to call for help. A good dentist in Mississauga will know what to do to remove the spots and prevent further infection and decay.

Don’t wait until your dental problems get worse. Get help. Contact Credit River Dental Centre for an appointment today.

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