5 Tips to Consider Before You Botox

by | Mar 31, 2015 | Healthcare

So you are considering the siren’s call of Botox, but you’re nervous. What are the risks of getting Botox? What if you get a Botox face? Los Angeles has a reputation as the mecca of plastic surgery, and the popularity of Botox with celebrities has made it quite the procedure du jour. Yet the pressure to get Botox can be intense. Whatever your decision may be it is never advisable to pursue medical treatment because of outside pressure. You don’t want to enter medical treatments without a plan and end up with a botched, frozen Botox face; Los Angeles will have no pity for you then! So, here are five tips on how to prepare yourself before you enter the surgeon’s office to make sure you end up with a younger looking face, not an immovable one.

Tip #1 – Trust Your Surgeon

Due to the popularity of Botox everyone seems to offer the injections. This is dangerous because you want to make sure you choose a surgeon who knows the dangers of the injections you are being given. You also want to make sure they know how much to inject, and how deep to make the injections. Do your research and choose a reputable medical practitioner you can trust.

Tip #2 – Do Your Own Research

Make sure you do your own research on what Botox is and how it could affect your face. Talk to people who have undergone Botox injections to try and get an understanding of how your face will feel after the injections. You will also want to know the warning signs in case anything happens to go wrong with your injections.

Tip #3 – Understand Price

You want to ensure the surgeon who will be giving you your Botox injections charges per unit of Botox rather than per area of the face, as paying for the Botox being used will keep your total costs lower than they would be otherwise.

Tip #4 – Speak to Fellow Botox Converts

It’s already been said before but this piece of advice cannot be ignored. Speak to people who have undergone Botox injections! You need to understand how your face will feel immediately after the procedure, and how it will feel as the Botox wears off. You want to know what “normal” feels like, so you will know if your face feels “abnormal” post-procedure.

Tip #5 – Be Patient

Botox will do its job and make your skin smooth. This may not happen overnight however, so you need to be patient and let the substances do its work in its own time as it melds with your natural body. The results will quickly become apparent in the few days following the procedure and the effects can last almost half a year.

These tips are meant to help you, but of course if you choose to go to a reputable surgeon who has experience in Botox injections, such as getting your Botox face treatment at the MetroMD Institute of Regenerative Medicine, you can rest assured their specialists will have plenty of knowledge and experience to answer all of your questions and more.

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