Vein Care Specialists – Finding A Cure For Vein Disorders

by | Feb 6, 2015 | Healthcare

If you talk to vein care specialists, they will tell you they would like to find a cure for vein disorders. They want people to not suffer from what can become a debilitating problem. Whether it’s varicose veins, spider veins, or any other type of vein disease, they want to stop its occurrence. While the cure may lie in research, vein care specialists still encourage people live a healthy lifestyle. This is seen as a preventive measure, particularly for those who are at high risk.

Who Is at High Risk?

Not everyone is at risk of suffering from vein disorders. However, certain factors have been found that may increase your risk. These include, but are not limited to, the following:

* Age: People over 50 tend to develop varicose and spider veins more than those who are younger
* Gender: While men do get varicose veins, it is women who are more prone to do so
* Weight: If you are above your ideal weight, particularly if you are at the higher end of the scale, you are setting yourself up as a candidate for vein disorders
* Occupation: If your employment involves prolonged periods of standing or even sitting, you may develop vein disorders
* Exercise: If you are unable to or do not do exercise, it may result in the development of varicose veins
* Diet: If your diet is high in salt and low in fiber, you may be subject to vein disorders

If you find yourself falling into the high risk category and there are already instances of varicose veins in your family, do talk to a specialist about any changes you can make to prevent having such health issues also.

Until a Cure Is Found: Treatment for Vein Disorders

If you suffer from a vein disorder, you should consider the medical procedures available from a veins specialty clinic to help control its progression. These professionals understand the problem and will recommend changes to your lifestyle, as well as other measures. They will also help address the issues related to your varicose vein condition.

In some cases, a dietary change combined with exercise will prove to be effective. Other lifestyle changes such as increased exercise, a change in footwear, and other related factors may help. The medical professional may also recommend the wearing of elastic compression stockings. Such suggestions may occur before or even after a medical procedure that will remove or close the affected veins. Among the more common types of procedures are:

* Sclerotherapy and Microsclerotherapy
* Foam Sclerotherapy
* Laser Surgery e.g. Endovenous ablation
* Ambulatory Phlebectomy
* Ligation and Stripping

If you consult vein care specialists, finding a cure for vein disorders is important to them. Until medical science finds a means of doing so, they will recommend preventive measures. They will also provide you with the best treatment possible under the circumstances. In many cases, the medical procedure will actually achieve that goal and will act as a cure for the vein disorders that are plaguing you.

If you are looking for professional vein care specialists for whom finding a cure for vein disorders is important, look no further than those who are employed at the Chicago Vein Institute (CVI). They have dedicated their entire professional lives to the diagnosis and treatment of vein diseases. The highly trained staff offers the latest and most effective treatment options in its modern facilities. To learn more about us, our staff, and our services, visit us online at .

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