Why You Shouldn’t Use the Air in Your Car

by | May 18, 2017 | Electronics and Electrical

When you buy a car, whether it’s brand new or used, air conditioning is a feature that most people look for. It can provide comfort and relief on a hot summer’s day, especially if you are travelling a long distance. But there are some disadvantages to using your vehicle’s AC, and there are some very compelling reasons to not use it; at least not on a regular basis. Portable fans for cars can be a more economical approach to keeping cool and comfortable.

*     Uses more fuel: Studies show that using your air conditioning at lower speeds can use up to 10% more fuel. With gas prices constantly on the rise, it makes sense to either put your windows down and let the air circulate through your vehicle; or, use a portable fan to keep both driver and passengers cool.

*     Not recommended to be on if you’re idling: If you’re stuck in traffic, and it’s 120 degrees outside, putting your windows down isn’t going to give you the airflow you need. Having your AC on constantly when you’re idling can cause your car to overheat, although it is less common with today’s vehicles. Still, while you’re idling and using the AC, you’re also using more fuel.

*     Adds to the total cost of the car: An AC feature in a car usually adds at least $1500 to the purchase price. This may not sound like a lot if the car is $20,000, but if you’re financing the vehicle, that $1500 can add up to thousands in interest over the course of the car loan.

Portable fans for cars can be an ideal solution if your vehicle either doesn’t have air conditioning, or if there are instances where you don’t want to use it. If there is more than one person in the car, there may be differing opinions on what ‘comfortable’ means.

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