Stop Wearing Uncomfortable Dentures that Slip

by | Oct 16, 2018 | Dentist

When you are tired of wearing uncomfortable dentures, it is time to find a permanent solution for your missing teeth. Dental implants from Chicago dentists can change your life, and today, there are easier ways to have this type of dental restoration. In the past, if your jawbone and alveolar bones weren’t strong enough, then a dentist would tell you that dentures were more appropriate for your mouth. However, it is now possible to take medications that will increase your bone growth so that you can undergo a dental implant procedure.

What Happens During a Dental Implant Procedure?

Dental implants in Chicago are available from knowledgeable dentists who can evaluate your mouth to determine if you are a candidate for the surgery. If your medical images reveal that you have strong bones, then you can schedule your dental implant procedures right away. Alternatively, a dentist can provide a prescription for medications that will strengthen your bones in a few weeks or months. During dental implant procedures, you are anesthetized so that the dentist can drill a hole in your gums and the underlying bones. A metal post is inserted into this opening so that the dentist can place a screw on the item that will hold the attractive full-size crown.

Contact Us Today to Learn More about Dental Implant Procedures

If you are receiving numerous dental implants, then you might require multiple procedures, but the process of having permanent dental restorations is worth it. After your mouth heals, you can eat the same types of foods that you ate with dentures, but you won’t need to worry about having your teeth slipping inside your mouth.

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