Whole-House Generators: The Ultimate Protection Against A Power Outage

by | Jul 15, 2019 | Electrician

As anyone who has lived through a hurricane or nor’easter can attest, a power outage is the last thing a homeowner wants. Not only will a host of consequences follow, but getting through the actual outage can be uncomfortable, if not downright dangerous. At Danley Electrical, we are dedicated to ensuring the safety and comfort of our customers, and are proud to offer whole-house generators as part of our commitment to your well-being.

Among others, consider the following benefits of a whole-house generator:


Unlike generators that require regular refuelling, a whole-house generator ensures your family’s safety by connecting to your home’s power source. Protect your loved one with the reliability of a stable machine, and avoid the hazards of relocating your portable generator in the midst of a natural disaster. Best of all, your whole-house generator will shut off automatically once your electricity comes back on.


While you may have stocked up on non-perishables before a storm hits, you’ll still lose all of the fresh food in your home when Mother Nature comes to call. In a blizzard, pipes will freeze; in a heat wave, your AC will go down. To complicate matters, those with medical conditions are liable to suffer irreparable health consequences without life-saving equipment and machinery.

Theft Prevention

As loud as your Rottweiler may be, your home security system is likely sourced by electricity, and will fail to protect you when the power goes out. Avoid the theft and pillage of your property with a generator that keeps your home protected from the greedy hands of an opportunistic thief.

To learn more about our extensive array of home generators or to schedule your evaluation today, contact Walter Danley Electrical Contracting LLC. We look forward to protecting you!

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