What is a Root Canal in Salem OR

by | Nov 12, 2019 | Dental

There are many procedures a dentist might recommend or perform to keep a person’s teeth and gum healthy. These procedures are often used to correct various problems or decay in the tooth or teeth. A Root Canal in Salem OR can often be a procedure that frightens patients, especially if they are unfamiliar with the process. However, this process is a common procedure used to repair a tooth or teeth to restore a healthy and beautiful smile.

Why is a Root Canal Necessary?

There are many procedures that a dentist can use to repair a damaged tooth. Fillings, resins, and other repairs are often used to correct cavities, chips, or cracks to a tooth. However, when the pulp of a tooth becomes inflamed or infected, these procedures will not properly repair the issue. Dental injuries, decay, or even repeated procedures on a tooth or teeth can inflame or infect the pulp. A Root Canal in Salem OR provides a solution to this problem.

What is a Root Canal?

The structure of a tooth is hollow in the center. This hollow area contains the pulp. The pulp is comprised of connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerves. When this pulp becomes infected or inflamed, it needs to be removed to protect the tooth and the overall health of the patient. During the procedure, the dentist will often drill a hole in the tooth to reach the pulp. The pulp is then removed and the area cleared of any infection.

After the Pulp is Removed

After the pulp is removed from the tooth, the tooth needs to be closed off to prevent further infection from entering the tooth. The dentist will often fill the hollow area of the tooth to prevent further infection from occurring. The hole in the tooth is also closed to ensure no bacteria can enter the area. Finally, a crown is often placed over the tooth. The crown provides a replacement for the tooth structure that was damaged.

Proper dental care is important to maintaining a healthy and beautiful smile. From general dentistry to cosmetic dentistry, there are procedures and treatments available to help in every step of this process. Visit Idylwooddental.com to find out more about the various services and procedures a dentist can offer to maintain a healthy smile.

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