Signs That Indicate You Need an Electrician in Hamden, CT

by | Feb 7, 2020 | Electrician

Unless you are an experienced electrician, you may not realize that something is wrong with your electrical system. However, it is important for you to get this problem corrected as soon as possible. There are several signs that indicate you need an electrician in Hamden, CT.

Condition And Age of Your Wiring

You should contact us today if you live in an old home. Your current wiring may be outdated. Old wiring is a fire hazard.

Tripped Circuit Breaker

If your circuit breaker keeps tripping, then you probably have an appliance that is drawing too much current. You should have an electrician in Hamden, CT, inspect your circuit breaker. You may need to get your circuits fixed.

There Is Smoke

If you see smoke coming out of your outlets, then it is time for you to call a professional. You may have wiring that is frayed or was not installed correctly. This is a fire hazard.

Light Flickering

Flickering lights may indicate that you have an overloaded circuit. There are some appliances that draw a lot of current and need their own separate setup. This is more likely to occur if you have large appliances.

You Have a lot of Extension Cords

Overloaded circuits can lead to fires. If you are using a lot of extension cords, then your circuit is probably overloaded. You may need to have extra outlets installed.

If you need an electrician, then you can contact us today. You can reach DeFilippo Electric at website

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