Dentures: A Brief Overview

by | Dec 12, 2018 | Dentistry

Dentures are a substitute of you real teeth. You need to use these false teeth to replace a missing teeth. Your dental care service provider is the person who will advise you about their usage. He will do the required diagnosis and check ups to determine whether it is right for you to use false teeth. If you need one, your false teeth will be made according to your requirements.

The different occasions for which you may be suffering from loss of teeth include, tooth decay, periodontal disease, aging and so on. In these circumstances you need to replace your teeth with a false one, which will accurately fit into your mouth cavity. They are separately designed for different dental patient. They are well fitted and are properly supported by the surrounding tissues.

These are removable false teeth. That is, you can remove them from your mouth when you do not want to keep them on. They are normally made up of acrylic resin combined with other required metals. They are designed to provide complete comfort and support to your mouth. To obtain such comfort and a denture that will fit perfectly, you need to make sure you are consulting the right dental care service provider. So, what exactly goes into making the best denture suiting your oral requirements? Below is a discussion on the process of making quality denture:

Making an appropriate false teeth requires almost a month. The whole process, starting from your oral diagnosis to determination of the required measurements of your oral cavity, will ideally require four to five appointments with your dentist. He will perform all the basic tests and diagnosis to examine your oral health. He needs to understand how suitable will a denture be for you. This will be followed by measuring vertical dimensions and accurate jaw position, ensuring your false teeth fits perfectly. He will also take care of the shape and color to maintain the false teeth’s exactness with your original teeth. The space which must be left between the jaws is also an important factor. All this is measured and determined using your teeth impression and wax bite.

Before your false teeth is finally made, you will be made to try a wax model of your denture. This will help in making any final adjustments or changes to the final one. Such perfection and efficient service is available only with reputable service providers specializing in making Dentures Edmonton is home to some of the best known dental care institutes. Visit us for more details.

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