Premium Harmonic Filters and Other Electrical Solutions in the USA

by | Feb 10, 2022 | Business

Eliminating Electric Resonance in Buildings

Your business requires a reliable source of electricity from the public grid that’s managed by a regional utility company. If you’re surprised by your expensive monthly bill, you should closely inspect and upgrade the electrical network throughout your business. Inefficient electric panels, wires, adapters, transformers and other components will significantly increase your monthly expenses. When multiple devices operate at different power and current levels, electrical resonance will occur. Such a natural phenomena will drastically reduce the efficiency of your building’s electrical infrastructure. You could install electrical harmonics filters to completely eliminate any disruptions in the power supply inside your business. Modern electrical harmonics filters are highly recommended for appliances and other heavy-duty machines that draw lots of electrical current. Some large electronics might also benefit from harmonic filters that neutralize resonance.

Features and Specifications of Harmonic Filters

When you buy electrical harmonics filters for your commercial space, you should understand the major specifications and highlights. For example, the filters usually consist of capacitors, inductors and resistors that optimize the flow of electrical current between a panel and all other outlets throughout your property. The harmonic filters are typically rated in a standard unit that’s known as volt-amps. Passive harmonic filtration devices are recommended for industrial applications that use more than 500 kVA. Active harmonic filters are ideal for loads that are rated below 500 kVA. An electrician might also recommend hybrid filters for managing some temporary appliances and machines at your business.

Visit to shop for harmonic filters from the Continental Power Corporation.

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