Ways to Participate in Responsible Waste Disposal in Providence, RI

by | Oct 14, 2013 | Recycling Center

In a sense it seems as if the world is waking up. A generation ago, the term, “ecological footprint” was not in the vocabulary of our forefathers. When you grew up in the “land of plenty” it was unthinkable that there would ever come a time where there might not be enough. We now have a generation (or three) of people who realize the importance of being responsible with the resources that we have today, in order for there to remain “plenty” for those who are to follow us, tomorrow.

This means properly managing the waste that our existence creates. What exactly is waste?

Essentially, waste is any substance, product or by-product that we no longer need or desire, and thus wish to discard. Solid waste products are most often buried in landfills in America, although at times they are incinerated. In less environmentally responsible times in our history we’ve sent our garbage out to be dumped into the sea, into old mine shafts and have dumped it above ground on open land. It is important to recognize that improper disposal of trash can cause the groundwater that we drink to become polluted.

So, when it comes to being responsible with Waste Disposal in Providence, RI, you need a company such as Business Name to handle your waste. ABC Disposal recognizes that some waste is biodegradable, some disposable while other waste is recyclable. They provide flexible waste collection plans to handle both your waste and your recycling, in an effort to minimize the impact of your waste upon the earth.

There is much you can do on your own, as well, to minimize garbage. Glass, plastics, metals, paper, and hazardous materials such as paint, batteries, acids, motor oil, etc. should all be sorted and grouped together for appropriate disposal and/or recycling. Avoid purchasing products that are filled with excess advertising and packaging. Compost plant organic materials such as fruit and vegetable leavings. Purchase used products when appropriate and pass along unwanted items to others who can use them before simply throwing them away. Even things such as wood shavings, broken concrete and old metal appliances can be recycled.

ABC Disposal is the one company promising Waste Disposal in Providence, RI, that is ecologically sound and environmentally responsible. You can trust them with your trash!

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