A Cheap Bankruptcy Attorney In Tacoma Wa Can Help To Eliminate Your Debt

by | Jan 16, 2017 | Law

When someone’s already suffering from deep debt, the last thing they want to do is pay expensive legal fees to eliminate it. A Cheap Bankruptcy Attorney In Tacoma Wa offers reasonable rates and easy payment plans so the bankruptcy can proceed. The attorney understands the difficult time someone is having with creditors harassing telephone calls and the threat of losing their home. They’re not interested in adding to the stress, they’re only concerned about eliminating the financial situation someone’s in and to stop a foreclosure and the collection calls.

Getting on the road to financial recovery by filing bankruptcy, could allow someone to keep their home and their car. Chapter 7 is one type of bankruptcy and is a debt liquidation. A trustee will be appointed to liquidate any assets that are not exempt and pay the creditors. This type of bankruptcy is ideal for someone that has no source of income to pay their bills and when someone has a lot of unsecured debt like credit cards. Chapter 13 allows someone to have a financial reorganization. If someone qualifies for this type of bankruptcy, they can retain their assets and their debt will be restructured into a payment plan over a three to five-year period. Once the payments are complete, the balance of the debt will be forgiven.

Both types of bankruptcies require an individual to attend a certified credit counseling program within six months before a bankruptcy is filed. This program will establish whether someone’s available for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13. A payment plan for Chapter 13 filers will be created and submitted to a judge as part of the filing process. A bankruptcy attorney can help someone resolve all of these issues with low fees and payment plans that will fit their needs.

If you’re in debt over your head for any reason, a Cheap Bankruptcy Attorney In Tacoma Wa can eliminate this problem. The worries about debt, your paycheck, your car, your home and your peace of mind can be restored through the use of bankruptcy. Contact an attorney today and find out how you can improve your financial future.

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