A Cosmetic Dentist in Annapolis Can Repair Any Damage to Teeth

by | Jan 7, 2015 | Dental Services

Daily life can be hard on your teeth. Things like food and drinks can stain or discolor your teeth and damage their enamel. You might even crack or break a tooth if you bite down on something that is too hard! Unexpected injuries from sports, car accidents and other events can damage your teeth or knock them out completely. Having broken or damaged teeth can make you feel bad about your appearance and lower your self-esteem. If you have received any injuries or damage to your teeth, you should speak with a dentist as soon as possible. There are many ways that a cosmetic dentist in Annapolis can help repair any damage to your teeth and make you feel attractive again.

If you have experienced any problems from stains or yellowing on your teeth, your dentist will be able to offer you professional tooth whitening treatments. While you may have tried to use tooth whitening kits at home, you probably didn’t achieve very good results. This is because the chemicals in over-the-counter tooth whitening kits are not as strong or effective as the ones that a dentist can use. Cosmetic dentists from Annapolis Dental Associates are able to safely use stronger chemicals on your teeth without risking chemical burns to your gums or more damage to your teeth. This means that your teeth will become whiter much faster, and you will see results longer, if you choose professional dental whitening.

For more severe damage to your teeth, there are several options that a cosmetic dentist can use. If you have chipped a tooth, your dentist can repair it using dental bonding. This involves attaching a piece of material to the existing tooth to replace the missing area. More severe breaks or cracks may require the use of a dental crown. This will completely cover the tooth and act as a shield against further damage. If you are missing teeth, they can be replaced using dentures, dental implants or dental bridges.

For any damage that you may have experienced to your teeth, your cosmetic dentist has a procedure to fix it. There is no need to live with unattractive or damaged teeth, especially if it is causing you to experience low self-confidence or making eating and speaking difficult. Visit a cosmetic dentist in Annapolis today to find out what treatments can be used to repair your teeth and make you smile again!

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