A Dental Surgeon in Westcliffe Performs Root Canal Therapy

by | Sep 8, 2020 | Dentistry, Dentists

One of the services that a Dental Surgeon can provide for patients is root canal therapy . We don’t often think of root canals as any kind of therapy. We do hear stories about root canals being especially painful, but the truth is that these stories originated years ago, before modern dentistry techniques. Nowadays, when a patient has a root canal, there is no reason for the procedure to be painful in any way. Patients should expect to be perfectly relaxed in the chair, knowing they will be pain free the entire time.

Root canals therapy is a procedure that is performed on tiny canals that exist inside the teeth. These canals run from just below the tooth’s surface all the way down to the root, and each tooth has one, two, three, or four canals inside it. The teeth also have nerves and blood vessels inside them, which is why teeth can be so sensitive to infection and pain. An infection inside a tooth can spread via the blood vessels from the pulp down to the roots. Infections can result in an abscess, which is an area filled with pus. A dental surgeon can perform root canal therapy to clear up the infection and clean out the tooth from the inside. A root canal can actually save a diseased tooth.

A patient will need to have as many as three visits to a Dental Surgeon in Westcliffe to complete root canal therapy on a tooth. If there is an abscess, it’s possible that the dentist will have the patient take a course of antibiotics first, and then come back for the actual treatment on the tooth.

To do root canal therapy, the Dental Surgeon in Westcliffe drills a hole in the tooth so he can remove diseased and infected tissues. He will disinfect the inside of the tooth, clearing out the infection, re-shape the canals inside, and place medication inside the tooth. The final step is to create a crown for the top of the tooth.

Visit your Local Dentist Office online to see what dental surgery services they offer. Many dentists now have fairly detailed websites with a lot of information about the procedures that they do and the kinds of equipment that they use in their work. Dentist websites often have a patient education section with pictures and videos to better explain what a patient’s options are.

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