A Great Smile Is A Wonderful Confidence Builder

by | Mar 20, 2015 | Healthcare

A smile is an indication of a lot of other things besides happiness; it shows an individual’s confidence and depicts their level of health. If your smile isn’t as bright or as healthy as you want it to be, then it’s time that you see an orthodontist. There’s no reason for anyone to feel that they have to hide their teeth or cover their mouth every time they smile or laugh. There’s always a solution to this dental dilemma.

What is an orthodontist?

An orthodontist is a dentist that specializes in the straightening of teeth using metal braces, retainers, or invisible aligners. Orthodontists focus on people’s bites and the alignment of their teeth. Orthodontists are trained to fix irregular teeth so as to give the patient a brighter and more positive smile as well as improve speech and the ability to eat properly. Most people seek an orthodontist for better options to fix their teeth and not be embarrassed or seek advice on what to do about hereditary problems affecting their bite.

What does an orthodontist do?

An orthodontist can use different techniques to fix crooked and misaligned teeth. A very popular solution that has been available in recent years is invisible aligners. These are a form of braces that are manufactured from a clear material; the result is they are considerably less visible than metal alternatives. This type of corrective appliance is ideal for those patients who are in the public eye.

Another common approach to fixing crooked teeth is by using tradition metal braces. For this, your orthodontist will have to perform a series of stages during the corrective process. Once the orthodontist has fitted the braces to your teeth, they are tightened so that they place slight pressure in the direction the orthodontist decides upon; tension is maintained with the help of rubber bands. After a number of adjustments, your teeth are manipulated into the ideal positions; this is usually a two-year process; once your teeth are straightened and aligned you will still use a retainer at night to preserve the alignment of your teeth.

A person with a lovely straight smile is one who exudes health and confidence. There is no reason why anyone needs to hide their mouth behind their hand when they smile; a visit to an orthodontist will result in your knowing the options that are available to fix your teeth. With perfectly aligned and straight teeth you can smile with confidence.

For more information visit the site oakbrookortho.com.

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