A Guide to Kids Dental Care in Los Angeles

by | Jul 4, 2023 | Dentist

A Childrens Dentist is trained to handle children’s dental problems, developmental issues and procedures. However, most children receive adequate care from a general dentist, who has a relationship with the whole family. If you aren’t sure which type of dentist is right for your child, ask your pediatrician or family dentist for ideas.

Dental Visit Frequency

You should take your child to the dentist six months after their first tooth appears. At that time, the dentist will assess the development of your child’s teeth. Many dental problems appear early on, and the sooner they’re caught, the better. Your dentist can recommend or provide Kids dental care in Los Angeles to protect against issues such as gum disease and thumb sucking.

Getting Ready for the First Visit

Before going to the dentist, ask what procedures will be done, and plan ways to deal with your child’s reaction to the office visit. Some children may be reluctant; talk to them about what they should expect during the visit. You should also get copies of your child’s medical records so you can accurately fill out the forms before services are provided.

Fixing Decaying Baby Teeth

Proper care and maintenance of baby teeth is important, because these teeth keep spaces open for the permanent teeth. If baby teeth decay or are removed too early, the space for the permanent teeth is lost and can only be recovered through orthodontic means. Infections in the baby teeth can also cause improper development of the permanent teeth.

At-Home Ways to Protect Oral Health

If you have an infant, you can clean his or her gums with a damp, clean cloth; ask your dentist if you may use a small amount of toothpaste. As soon as the first teeth emerge, brush them with a soft, small toothbrush and a very small dab of toothpaste. Help your younger children brush before bed, and by age five, they can brush with supervision.

Tooth Decay in Infants

Tooth decay can affect infants and toddlers, and most commonly occurs in the upper front teeth (but can occur elsewhere). Severe decay can affect the underlying bone, which can hinder development of the permanent teeth. Decay in infants is usually caused by prolonged exposure to sugary liquids, after which acid attacks the gums and teeth. Proper Kids dental care in Los Angeles can set your children up for a lifetime of good oral hygiene.

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