A helpful guide on dental veneers

by | Sep 11, 2019 | Dentist

Dental veneers are comprised of thin porcelain pieces that are applied to the exterior of the teeth in a cosmetic dental procedure. These porcelain pieces mimic the appearance of the tooth’s natural enamel and serve to improve the structural integrity of the tooth. They are used to improve the tooth’s exterior appearance and correct visible imperfections. Some of the concerns that are corrected with dental veneers include broken, cracked, or chipped teeth, as well as teeth that are discolored or misshapen.

Setting up an initial consultation

When exploring dental veneers in Laguna Hills, CA as a smile correction option, the first step involves setting up a consultation. When you have met with your dentist, you will have a better idea as to whether or not this smile enhancement procedure is the right one for you. You may even be able to view a projected image of what your teeth will look like after the veneers have been placed. This is referred to as cosmetic imaging and allows the patient to get a preview of the results provided by dental veneers.

How do they work?

Many people may have heard of dental veneers but are unfamiliar with how they actually work. Prior to the veneers being placed, a small section of the tooth’s enamel must be removed in order to place the veneers over the surface of the teeth. The amount that is removed is usually a little under a millimeter. Light sensitive resin filling is applied between the tooth and the veneer and becomes hardened when a light is applied to it. This serves to cement the bond of the veneer over the surface of the tooth.

Advantages of dental veneers

Veneers offer the patient many advantages the main one being a brighter, more even, and more uniform smile. Since each veneer is especially designed to fit the patient’s tooth, it is almost impossible to tell the difference between a natural tooth and an actual veneer. The end result is a beautiful smile that appears perfectly formed.

Your dentist can provide you with information about dental veneers. You can schedule a consultation to discuss whether or not they are the right aesthetic dental solution for your smile improvement goals.

The Laser Dental Center provides dental veneers for patients seeking a more attractive smile. Find out more information and schedule an appointment when you visit them online at visit us website. Checkout video for more information.

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