A Predominant Use Study

by | Jul 13, 2021 | Financial Services

Plants, facilities, and companies scheduling a predominant use study often have questions about the process. Ideally, hiring an experienced company specializing in these studies is the best way to ensure a seamless process. These companies provide the professionals to complete the study with minimal or no impact on daily operations in the facility.

What is the Cost?

There are different costing options for a predominant use study. Reviewing the cost of commissioning these studies helps your company choose the most cost-effective option. However, it is also essential to consider the experience and expertise of the company selected.
Most businesses find the cost of the study entirely offset by the tax refund and the ongoing tax exemptions.

Disruption of Operations

An experienced predominant use study company supplies a small team of specialists to complete the study. In most cases, your employees will not even know they are there, and there will be no disruption, change, or downtime for your operations.
After the study is completed, which includes recording the use of the utility by specific devices and equipment on each meter, calculations are made that average the usage over the year. This eliminates concerns about peak and low energy use in determining the exemption.

Qualifying Devices, Equipment, and Meters

Each state sets forth statutes to address the specifics of utility tax exemptions. This includes the types of businesses that quality, the devices or equipment use that qualifies, and how the utility tax exemption is applied.
Working with a company to complete the study that is familiar with these regulations allows you to get answers to your questions before, during, and after the process.

When you want a predominant use study in Michigan, turn to the services of B. Riley Financial. We offer reliable, customer-focused utility studies at brileyfin.com.

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