A Premises Liability Lawyer in Live Oak, FL Handles Cases Regarding Negligence by Property Owners

by | Dec 18, 2018 | Lawyer

A premises liability lawyer in Live Oak, FL handles cases in which people have been injured because of negligence by a property owner that caused an unsafe condition. Most often, these situations occur on commercial properties with large numbers of customers. Common examples include retail stores, restaurants and bars. Many businesses do not dispute the claim and their insurance companies pay for medical expenses and lost wages without argument. In other instances, the injured person must hire an attorney to resolve the matter.


In many cases, a business cannot dispute what happened because too many people witnessed the incident. A customer who slips and falls on a wet floor in a store, for instance, may do so in front of several customers and even a store employee or two. The situation becomes more complicated if the customer claims to have slipped and fell in the store but nobody saw this happen. A premises liability lawyer in Live Oak, FL may be required to gather enough evidence for proof.

Slipping or Tripping and Falling

In fact, slipping or tripping and falling are the most frequent premises liability cases. This can happen when customers track in rainwater and the employees don’t keep it mopped up, or when a spill happens in an aisle and the liquid is left there for any length of time. Store flooring tends to be quite slick when it’s wet. Hard flooring in stores is normally waxed periodically, and the material is usually smooth and not textured to allow for ease of cleaning.

Tripping incidents tend to occur on uneven pavement or on torn carpeting. A sign notifying customers of uneven pavement may be acceptable for a week or two, but commercial property owners are expected to have that problem fixed quickly. Otherwise, it’s likely that one day, somebody will not notice the sign.

Claim Disputes

Insurers have a few main strategies they use to dispute these claims. For instance, they might try to show that the injured person was partly responsible for what happened by not paying attention while walking through the store. Information on one particular lawyer that may be able to assist can be found at Northfloridaautoaccidentlawyer.com.

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