A Summer Camp in Fairfield CT Provides a Solution for the Swap of Child Custody During Summer Vacations

by | Nov 13, 2017 | Top Content Center Articles

A divorcing couple who will not be living very close to each other can have trouble arranging a convenient shared custody schedule. One possibility is to have one parent have primary physical custody during the school year with the other parent having visitation scheduled on weekends, with these roles swapped during the summer. What is the full-time summer parent going to do if he or she is single and works full-time? A summer camp in Fairfield CT with daytime hours provides an excellent solution.

The Summer Custody Schedule

These day camps can be perfect for the parent who needs a place for grade-school children to stay where they’ll have fun, learn new things and make friends. The summer custodial parent will get to spend time with the kids before and after work. The other parent may be with the children on several weekends unless the two parents simply live too far apart for more than one or two visits to be feasible.

Gymnastics Camp

What types of summer camp in Fairfield CT are available for this daytime schedule? A gymnastics camp is a popular option. The focus is not entirely on gymnastics, although that activity provides the youngsters with plenty of exercise and practice learning new physical skills. They’ll also play games and work on interesting craft projects that children enjoy.

Communicating With the Other Parent

With email, texting and video chat technology, the summer noncustodial parent can still easily communicate with the children throughout those months. The youngsters will be excited to talk about what they’ve been up to all day at the gymnastics camp. Through video chat, they can demonstrate dance moves they’ve learned as an adjunct to gymnastic techniques, and show completed craft projects they are proud of.

Helping the Kids Stay Happy

The kids may like being with the parent who is their full-time guardian in the summer, but if they are in a situation where they have to spend all day with a babysitter, that can become boring and unsatisfactory. A gymnastics camp brightens up the warm weather months when the children are away from their usual home. Contact Next Dimension Gymnastics to learn about these programs.

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