About Orthodontist: The Various Procedures They Carry Out

by | Apr 23, 2013 | Dentistry

An Orthodontist Daytona Beach FL is one of the most demanded specialists. This is because there are many cases of oral damages among the population of the said area. These specialists have the necessary skills and more so experience to handle any of the cases presented to them. Innovation gives them a wide variety of treatment methods to use while the application of the latest technological advances makes their service delivery even more perfect. Hence you can be sure that once you trust them to fix any problem, they will do so correctly.

They specialize in procedures such as the ones explained below and others which are meant for Cosmetic as well as structural purposes.

(a) Tooth extractions. This is used to treat unbearable toothaches and impaction which is a case whereby a tooth lacks the space to grow in hence creating problems to the adjacent teeth. The roots of this kind of tooth can as well become infected resulting to its removal else the gum and jaw bone will be damaged.

(b) Debentures. These fill gaps of missing teeth whose removal could have been as a result of periodic diseases, tooth decay or even injury. They can either be complete whereby they cover the whole jaw or partial whereby covering gaps of multiple missing teeth. The beauty of these is that with the help of technology and available materials and not to forget skill, dentists can make debentures appear more like your natural teeth.

(c) Veneers. These can be described as thin semi- translucent shells customized from porcelain and are attached to the front part of the teeth permanently. More often than not, they are used in cosmetic dentistry. Veneers are used to rectify conditions such as stained and colored teeth, chipped or cracked teeth, misshapen or crooked teeth and spaces between teeth.

(d) Tooth whitening. This is used to improve and more so brighten your smile by removing or covering any colored or stained teeth/tooth.

For the above and other teeth procedures, contact the experts. They sure will be of help to you. Their services are affordable and suitable for all age groups.

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