Abutments: Essential Components of Dental Implants in Eagan MN

by | Jul 4, 2017 | Dental

Many people are aware Dental Implants in Eagan MN include a rod inserted into the jawbone that eventually fuses with the bone. On top, a customized crown looks like a real tooth. If the patient still has some natural teeth left, this crown is fabricated to blend in perfectly with those teeth. The third component is the one that is generally ignored by people outside of the dental profession, but it is an essential part of the implant. This is the abutment that screws into the rod and to which the crown adheres. Dentists are increasingly recommending customized abutments to their patients instead of stock ones, although the cost is a bit more. In fact, researchers expect stock abutments to eventually become obsolete because customized products have distinct advantages for patients.

Abutments in Dental Implants in Eagan MN may not seem like a component the patient needs to think about. The screw is not surgically placed into the jawbone as the rod is. This implantation means the rod can be made of only a limited number of materials the body is unlikely to reject and that do not cause discomfort or physical irritation for the patient. Titanium is the metal of choice because it fuses to bone exceptionally well and the human body generally accepts it without problems.

Nevertheless, high-quality abutments are essential for preventing the crowns from coming loose. The gums must heal around these devices and make the screws invisible. People should only be able to see the crowns and none of the metal components. When the abutment shape is personalized, this invisibility effect is more perfectly achieved. This is an aesthetic consideration that is important to patients who want their smile to look completely natural.

Although dental implants from a clinic such as Dakota Dental & Implant Center are considered functional devices, they obviously have significant cosmetic benefits too. In addition, the type of material has somewhat similar requirements as the rods do because the abutments are always touching the soft tissue of the gums. Many metals can cause itching and irritation because people tend to be sensitive to them. Visit the website to learn more about this dental practice.

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