Acquiring A Jail Bond in Atlanta After Your Arrest

by | Aug 28, 2019 | Bail Bonds

If you need a Jail Bond in Atlanta, you should contact your preferred bondsman. This process requires that you pay a percentage of your overall bail for release from jail. The amount of bail is determined by the judge and based on the crime in which you are accused. If you are unable to post your own bond, a family member or your legal representative may contact a bail bondsman on your behalf.

Percentage of Cost

The required percentage for posting bail will vary based on your bail amount and which bonding company you select. You should consult your preferred bail bondsman or bonding agent to establish this amount. He or she will explain options in terms of how you may pay this percentage and begin out-processing.

The Bail Bonding Process

When the required percentage is paid, your bonding agent will come to the county jail and present bonding documents to the correctional officers The correctional officers will begin the paperwork required for your release from jail. This process includes returning your personal belongings to you and changing your status within the jail’s data-management software. The officers will not come to get you for out-processing until all paperwork is completed.

Stipulations of Your Release

After you receive a Jail Bond in Atlanta, there are several rules that apply. In most cases, any one accused of severe crimes must appear before the judge for an arraignment before they are released. If you are not accused of a major crime, you are not required to remain in jail until after this process. However, the officers will inform you that you will be notified of your scheduled court date for this crime. Failure to appear on this date at the scheduled time will result in a revocation of your bail bond, and a bench warrant is issued for your arrest.

A bench warrant gives law enforcement the right to arrest you on sight. If a bench warrant is issued, you may not have a chance to bond out of jail again until after your next scheduled court date. If this is the case, you will owe your bonding agent the full amount for your bail.

Free at Last Bail Bonds is an experienced and reliable bail bonds company who can handle any situation in Atlanta.

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