Advice From A Car Injury Attorney

by | Nov 25, 2014 | Law

Unfortunately, people are involved in car accidents at an increasing rate each year. There can be fatalities from these crashes but, as any car injury attorney understands, there can also be serious and lifelong debilitating injuries including spine and neck damage, loss of limbs, brain trauma, and loss of ability to work during a short or long recovery time.

If you are in any type of automobile accident, you need to protect yourself and ensure that you do not do anything that may compromise your options later on. A top car injury attorney should be involved in your case as soon as possible, to ensure that you have the medical documentation and legal representation you need to win your case and get the financial compensation you deserve.

Statute of Limitations

The statute of limitations sets the timeline that your car injury attorney has to file your case. The starting date is the day that you are injured, which may not be the date that you sought medical attention. In general, a basic personal injury case will have a statute of limitations of two years, which is the same for most types of wrongful death cases, both which could apply to a vehicle accident.

Your car injury attorney will not want to wait to investigate and file your lawsuit. By getting a car injury attorney involved early, this can all be done well in advance, and all parties to the lawsuit identified and named on the lawsuit.

Settling Rather than Litigating

The vast majority of cases that an experienced car injury attorney takes will never have to go to court, or perhaps never even have to file a lawsuit. This is because negotiations between the insurance company and your attorney often result in a settlement.

This is beneficial to you for several reasons. First, it speeds up the process and gets you the compensation that you need to take care of your medical bills, lost wages, expenses, and even compensate you for pain and suffering. Second, and perhaps most important, it allows your car injury attorney to avoid having to go to trial, saving you on legal fees, the cost of witnesses, and other associated expenses.

Getting a car injury attorney involved as quickly as possible after an injury is important.

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