Affordable Options Provided by a Waterproofing Contractor in Westford, MA

by | May 23, 2017 | Construction and Maintenance

Many basements suffer from minor to significant water issues. However, one of the most common issues with basements in the Westford area are basements with excessively high levels of humidity. This may not correlate to standing water, but it can create a host of problems not just in the basement but throughout the home.

First and foremost, it makes the basement completely unusable as there is a high probability of mold growth. In addition, it can negatively impact warming the living spaces above the basement over the winter months. To deal with any of these issues, you may want to call in a Waterproofing Contractor in Westford MA.

There are some situations where fixing a basement that has high levels of humidity is fairly easy. Sealing cracks in the basement floor or walls can help stop humidity from building up. In addition, replacing old window casings can also help keep a more comfortable humidity level.

However, there are times where fixing a humidity problem by repairing basement walls or floors can be simply too expensive for a homeowner to afford. These repairs may require waterproofing the interior and exterior walls. This means excavating around the home in order to place waterproofing membranes on the exterior walls. This is a huge undertaking that can cost a great deal of money. However, there is a more affordable option.

Moisture control units can help to recycle air through the basement by pulling out excessive levels of moisture. Some of these moisture control systems can also vent stale, odorous, and humid air from the basement and replace it with fresher and drier air. This can make the basement a more comfortable area to use for living, utility, or storage spaces.

To get a better handle on what needs to be done when it comes to excessively high moisture levels within a basement, you may want to contact a waterproofing contractor in Westford MA. These contractors can help determine the scope of the problem and find repairs that can help make the basement more usable while fitting into your repair budget. To learn more about what a contractor can do for you, click here for more information.

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