Air Conditioning Knoxville Repair and Servicing

by | Jun 27, 2013 | Heating and Air Conditioning

During the summer many people crank up the air conditioner just to tolerate the extreme summer heat. Many people have their AC running all day and all night without it ever shutting off. When the unit is being used in the peak of the heat system, it can overload and stop working properly. This is where air conditioning Knoxville repair can come in handy.

Many people do not know why the AC unit stopped working properly. It may have shut down altogether and stopped blowing, or it may be blowing hot air. It could be making a funny noise or give off a burning smell. The first thing to do is turn the unit off and call a professional. Many of these companies will come out the very same day and make a house call. The professional will inspect the unit and determine the problem. They will let the owner know what the issue is, and what they can do to get it running again.

Simple repairs may be done on the spot. If custom parts are needed, it may take a day or two before the unit can be fixed. Thankfully most parts are kept on hand, and most problems can be fixed right away. Units that are more than ten or fifteen years old may take a little extra time for parts. Sometimes units just cannot be fixed at all and the professional air conditioning Knoxville repair technician may decide that the only option is to replace the entire unit. They will explain why and the costs involved.

If the technician suggests going with a new unit, do not let the price scare you. Keep in mind that the new units are much more energy efficient than the older air conditioners. Many use 50 percent of the electricity of the old units. They work better, are a greener option, and usually come with a generous manufacturer’s warranty. If your current unit is bleeding your bank account dry with constant repairs, buying a new unit may save you even more money. Plus, since it is new you can expect it to work great without needing constant servicing.

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