Air Medical Escort Services Can Cut Costs

by | Sep 7, 2018 | Health

Imagine a situation in which your loved one needs to go to the hospital by car. You could call an ambulance, but you know the costs can be high. You could drive yourself, but there is an immediate need for an individual to get medical care on the way. What if a nurse was with you? Having this type of service while traveling on an airline is an option. Air medical escort services like this can help to reduce your costs while also improving the level of safety and security the patient in need has. Could this help in your situation?

What You Need to Know

Air medical escort services are designed to provide care to an individual who is in need, but they do not use specialized air ambulances. Instead, a registered nurse travels with the patient to go from one area to the next providing constant supervision and care along the way. This allows for the individual to have the medical care he or she needs – whether it be oxygen management, medications, or even just supportive services – without having to pay for an air ambulance. This type of service can help your loved one who is ill or otherwise immobile to travel where he or she needs to go without the frustrations and costs associated with other services.

Of course, there are situations where emergency medical evacuation and air ambulance services are best. However, for those traveling in a stable condition, air medical escort services can be an excellent resource. They can also help to provide access to air travel when it is not possible otherwise due to financial restraints. For those in need, it is important to call and discuss your needs with an organization providing registered nurse care like this.

Resource Box: When looking for air medical transport services, consider Flying Nurses International. See what they can do to meet your needs at

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