All About the Top 5 Ways to Ensure Risk Adjustment Compliance

by | Dec 22, 2022 | Healthcare

Have you been looking for a leading technology-enabled revenue cycle management provider of revenue integrity and risk adjustment solutions? If so, then an experienced team of medical coding and billing outsourcing professionals is exactly what you’re looking for in a healthcare BPO company. In other words, you want a company that solves its clients’ billing challenges, while also embracing its overall business operations. Simply put, you need a company that leverages the following for Health Plans, Hospitals, and Physicians:

  • Best-in-class processes
  • First-class infrastructure
  • Flexible engagement models
  • Proprietary technology
  • Revenue-enhancing cost-containment solutions

The Importance of Risk Compliance

Medicare Advantage enrollment has grown steadily over more than ten years now and actually has 28+ million beneficiaries who are covered by 39 Medicare Advantage plan options via private insurers today. With an increase in enrollment and plan offerings, new regulatory standards are in constant flux, creating myriad opportunities for coding errors and data inconsistencies. To ensure that valid clinical diagnoses support increased payment amounts, the federal government is carefully evaluating insurer risk adjustment operations. This could put your organization in a tight position if you’re not on top of the 5 Ways Payers Can Ensure Risk Adjustment Compliance, including:

1. Amplifying your code-capturing capabilities

2. Augmenting your chart review and retrieval

3. Considering a partnership with a risk adjustment coding company leader

4. Devoting resources to regulatory changes regarding risk adjustment

6. Engaging in alignment and education

Contact GeBBS Healthcare Solutions

If you need help to stay on top of your compliance issues more effectively, you should contact a risk adjustment coding company like GeBBS Healthcare Solutions today to find out more regarding 5 Ways Payers Can Ensure Risk Adjustment Compliance.

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