An Inflatable Wedge Pillow is Your Answer to Sleeping Comfortably

by | Feb 13, 2019 | Shopping

Do you find yourself tossing and turning a lot while sleeping? Are you waking up in the morning feeling like you have not slept very well? Perhaps you suffer from sleep apnea or snoring that disrupts how you sleep at night and want to find a way to get a good night’s rest. If so, an inflatable wedge pillow could be the answer you have been looking for to help you sleep comfortably at home or while traveling. A pillow that is designed to elevate your head and torso to obtain proper positioning that can allow you to sleep peacefully.

Reasons You May Not be Sleeping Well

  • Your pillow does not provide the support required to align your body correctly.
  • Improper sleeping position can obstruct your airflow at night.
  • Acid reflux or GERD causes heartburn that makes it impossible to sleep.
  • Neck or back pain that keeps you awake.
  • You are not receiving enough oxygen to sleep deeply and feel well-rested in the morning.
  • Loud snoring that keeps you or a partner awake a night.
  • Chronic migraines that make it impossible to sleep well.
  • You are not using an inflatable wedge pillow that fits your body size to acquire a correct sleeping position.

Slumber Peacefully and Feel Refreshed

In 2013, Travelwedge developed inflatable pillows that are designed to help people sleep correctly at night. Pillows that were created to fit any body size and adjust to your specific needs to ensure you are positioned correctly while sleeping. Plus, you will obtain a deeper sleep that will have you feeling well-rested in the morning and ready to face another day with a smile on your face!

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