Ankle Specialists in Racine WI Offer Treatment Options for Those Suffering Chronic Injuries to the Ankle

by | Oct 3, 2016 | Healthcare

Ankle injuries are typically referred to as sports-related injuries. There are many people who think this type of injury is more commonly seen in athletes. However, one doesn’t have to be an athlete to suffer a chronic ankle injury. In some cases, an issue as simple as walking on an uneven surface can trigger a debilitating pain. An ankle injury can take place in anyone, regardless of their age. Knowing the treatment options that are available can help a person have peace of mind that the pain can be relieved.

Treating Ankle Sprains

Ankle sprains are one of the most common injuries seen by ankle specialists in Racine WI. In most cases, these can be treated with a simple wrap, the application of heat and cold, and rest.

Treating Fractures

Fractures are treated both surgically and non-surgically. In most cases, the Ankle Specialists in Racine WI used will determine the best course of treatment based on a number of other factors surrounding the injury. In some cases, a brace will be used to help stabilize the ankle and allow it to heal on its own. This is the most common option for less severe fractures. However, if the fracture is more serious, then surgery may be necessary to ensure the bone heals properly. Once the surgery is over, the doctor will place a cast over the area to help protect it and allow it to heal.

When is Physical Therapy the Right Treatment?

If a doctor is unsure what is causing a person’s ankle pain, they may recommend physical therapy. This will help a person improve their gait, as well as their balance and strength in the affected ankle. The physical therapy program used is always customized to a patient’s unique needs.

The good news is if a person is experiencing any type of ankle pain or discomfort, there are treatment options out there. Knowing what they are can be beneficial and provide peace of mind that they will be able to find relief. More information about common ankle treatments can be found by taking some time to learn about Great Lakes Foot & Ankle Centers.

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