Antique Rug Repair in New York City for Valuable Persian Pieces of Art

by | Sep 24, 2019 | Restoration

Antique Persian rugs can be some of the most prized possessions a person owns. Men and women may favor rugs from certain regions or associated with a certain time frame. They may like these creations from regions that emphasized particular color schemes, such as a focus on earth tones. Others appreciate the bright, bold hues that are common in the designs. Antique rug repair in New York City is available from professionals who take great care with these fine pieces.

A Sense of Antiquity

When U.S. residents think of antiques, they often don’t think back further than about 200 years, since this country is relatively young. Businesses that provide service for Antique Rug Repair in New York City, however, might be working on pieces that are more than 500 years old. Some Persian rugs are incredibly valuable, although the ones with the highest price tags sometimes are purchased for museums in the United States and other countries.

Repair Expertise

Master restoration experts use specific methods to repair these rugs. The antique rug owners must find a business such as The Golden Horn, where antique rug repair expertise is approached as an art and a science. The work may involve recreating part of the design, and it must be done with exact precision. The texture and the type of fabric must match so similarly that nobody will be able to notice repair work has been done.

Family Heirlooms

Over hundreds of years, the Persian rugs have been passed down from one generation to the next. The owners may be able to trace the history back to the original purchase. Not only are these pieces very valuable in a monetary sense, but they can also be important family heirlooms. Also, sometimes they have significant meaning to individuals with a Persian heritage and a rich faith-based background.

Whether the rug is being used as a wall hanging or the owners prefer to keep it on the floor, the fabric can typically be repaired and restored by workers who have the right skills and expertise. Anyone who needs this service may Browse us to get started.

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