Are You Dealing With Mold Damage in Fountain CO?

by | Aug 1, 2017 | Restoration

Mold is a living substance that can grow in many areas of a home. As long as the mold has the right conditions and food source, it can begin to take over a home. It is important homeowners seek immediate treatment when they are dealing with mold damage in Fountain CO.

Understand the Dangers of Mold

While a small amount of mold may not cause any major issues in a home, an overgrowth of mold can. Those with allergies and asthma will often find mold exposure to cause an increase in their symptoms, especially with breathing difficulty.

Some types of mold can be toxic which can lead to serious health complications and sometimes death. This is why it is imperative a homeowner seeks the professionals when they have Mold Damage in Fountain CO. This helps to ensure the mold is tested so it can be removed properly.

Mold Is Destructive

When mold begins to grow on organic materials, it will cause great levels of destruction. This destroys drywall, wood, carpeting, and most porous materials. Unfortunately, porous materials cannot be treated for mold growth so they will need to be destroyed and replaced.

Non-porous materials can be treated with fungicides so the mold spores are destroyed. This is important because it deactivates the mold and prevents its continued growth. It also prevents the spores from becoming airborne where they can travel to other areas of the home and repopulate.

Do Not Attempt DIY Approaches

Some homeowners mistakenly believe they can take care of their mold problems with some bleach and elbow grease but this would be false. Attempting a DIY approach will not only lead to an inability to get rid of the mold but could also place a person’s life and their family’s lives in danger.

If you are dealing with large amounts of mold in your home, it is imperative you seek professional restoration services. If you would like to learn more about these services, browse our website. Feel free to call the office today so you can schedule your appointment. With these services, your mold problem will become a thing of the past and your family can be protected.

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