Arkansas Lemon Law Basics

by | Jun 6, 2016 | Lawyer

The Arkansas lemon law may sound sour, but actually is quite sweet to people who have recently purchased a used car in the area. Basically, if you purchase a car that does not work like it is supposed to, then you get a refund or a replacement. The Lemon Law is the laws that cover consumers when they purchase a vehicle that is not up to par.

Caveats and Criteria of the Arkansas Lemon Law

If you have recently purchased a car that you feel might be a lemon, it is your responsibility to make sure you contact the authorized dealer or vehicle’s manufacturer as soon as possible. The manufacturer is the one that provides the buyer a warranty for the vehicle and the dealer will be able to assist with the repairs. There are several caveats and criteria that govern this law which is actually a little more complex than you would think. The Arkansas Lemon Law does NOT cover

  • Motorcycles

  • Mopeds

  • Mobile homes

To take advantage of this law you will have to have had taken the necessary steps to “activate” the law, like bring the problem to the attention of the seller, work with the seller if they are willing to make the repairs. The laws are meant to protect consumers but they are often misunderstood and misused.

Get Some Help

If you feel you have purchased a car that may be a lemon and you are unsure about what steps to take you should speak to an attorney that specializes in the Lemon Law. Krohn & Moss are lemon law attorneys that can help you to ensure your rights are protected. You do have to move quickly because one of the caveats that applies under this law is a time constraint. If you wait too long to get help you may be out of luck.

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