Ask a Doctor Without Going to hospital

by | Dec 19, 2013 | Health

Many people don’t see their doctor more than once a year. They might have occasional questions about how to take a medication or whether a rash is something worrying, but the need to make an appointment well in advance and then find the free time in the middle of the day to go to it tends to discourage many adults from actually seeking advice very frequently. By using technology in the right ways, though, companies are finding that they can give people much better access to health information. You can ask questions to the doctor at Icliniq wers rather than having to wait weeks to see a physician in person.

Patients often want to ask a doctor a question that really doesn‘t require an examination or a detailed medical history. For example, someone who starts taking a prescription and finds that it causes some nausea, may need help figuring out what kinds of foods can be eaten with it to dampen that effect without negatively impacting the effectiveness of the drug in other ways. This is exactly the kind of thing that is best handled by a few minutes on the phone so that the patient can get real answers and the comfort of knowing what to do, without all the difficulty and expense of actually going in to see someone.

This is good for everyone involved with the health care system. It allows patients to get answers more easily and makes it so easy to ask for help that they are less likely to do something like stop a medication entirely out of being unsure of what the other options are. It allows medical providers to give better care, because patients who have the information they need can more easily comply with instructions. It’s also more efficient to handle relatively simple matters in this way, which reduces the burden on the system and allows people to spend more time on treating the people who need more intensive attention.

If you have ever wanted to ask a doctor something but felt like it wasn’t worth all the effort that it can take to get in touch with your regular primary care physician, it’s probably easy for you to see how wonderful this service can be. People want to know what they need to do to be healthy, and Icliniq makes good advice much more accessible to everyone.

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