Assessing The Options In Metal Stamping Companies

by | Aug 23, 2017 | Metal Fabrication

While metal stamping is a superior option to many different processes in making simple to complex parts and components in a wide range of industries, it isn’t a process that is done in a lot of machining and fabrication shops.

The equipment for metal stamping is specialized, requiring large presses and employees with special training to be able to operate the equipment and create the precision parts required. This includes both traditional types of stamp presses as well as turret presses that are used for large volume production of parts that require punching.

Finding the best metal stamping companies starts with taking a closer look at the services that each company provides. There will be a lot of variations in the market, which is ideal for an OEM as it provides the selection of services that may be required for a specific job.


When looking at metal stamping companies, consider the reliability factor that each offers. As most stamping companies will use the same type of equipment and processes in fabrication, it is really the details that will make the difference.

A company that is reliable can produce precision stamped parts to the tolerances required by your industry or for your own production needs. These companies will also have a reputation for getting orders out on time and honoring the turnaround times promised to their customers.

Just-in-time Delivery

Just-In-Time shipping is an important consideration for any large-scale production company. With this feature, the metal stamping companies will provide orders in smaller volumes but at regular intervals to match the pace of production.

The advantage of this feature to your business is less storage space required for parts or assemblies. It also eliminates the human error if an order is not placed and the production line as to stop.

Check to see the value-added services that these companies provide. The top companies may offer precision machining, resistance and robotic welding and even fishing and assembly.

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