
Silver Plating: The Basics

Silver plating is not a modern discovery. It goes back further than the first serious commercial applications in the early 19th century. The Romans - particularly counterfeiters, used a form of plating on their coinage in the 3rd and 4th centuries. The more well-known...

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What Are Window Solar Screens?

Have you ever wanted a product for the home that would allow you to block the sun out without obstructing your view? You could use curtains, but then you would not be able to see what is going on outside unless you were to get up and peak out from them. Instead of...

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Everything You Need to Know About Shunted Sockets

If you don’t know the difference between shunted sockets and non-shunted sockets, chances are you’re not an electrician, nor have you done any DIY electrical projects (which is usually a bad idea anyway.) What are shunted sockets? First, they have two holes in the...

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