Autism in Children in St. Louis, MO, at The Academy of St. Louis

by | Apr 29, 2020 | Education

Students on the Autism Spectrum have different needs than children who do not suffer from this condition. While it is called a disorder, it can also be simply thought of as a condition. Children on the spectrum should never feel like there is something wrong with them. It’s common in regular high schools for them to be singled out, ostracized, and bullied. At the Academy of St. Louis, children on the spectrum are well understood. Many parents who have enrolled their child into The Academy of St. Louis have avidly recommended the Academy saying, “Their child has never had such a strong and supportive peer group.”

Teachers Who Care

Autism in children St. Louis, MO, at the Academy of St. Louis has teachers who develop relationships through trust and academic support, creating a warm and comfortable environment which ia not always the case in mainstream schools. Such teachers often become frustrated with autism spectrum children and view them as a burden. Academy teachers and staff have a passion for providing children on the autsim spectrum with a warm and supportive environment in which they need to grow. Academy teachers are all certified in special education and have had many years of experience educating children with autism spectrum disorder.

The Only Special Education School in The Area

The Academy of St. Louis has the best curriculum that accounts for autism in children in St. Louis, MO and surrounding areas. Many 90% of our students are learning and are improving we also accept students with developmental delays who may need more intense intervention. Their curriculum woud includes functional, hands-on skills to help them adapt to lives outsdie of their homes. The school also takes children with emotional problems, learning disabilities, and many other learning disabilites and developmental delay. If you’re ready to bring your child into a warm and supportive environment, you should call (636)-534-5099.

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