Basic Components of Aircraft Navigation

by | Sep 5, 2014 | Business

One of the most difficult things that a person can learn how to do is fly an airplane, whether it be commercial or single engine. A variety of different components have to come together in order for the flight to be a success. In order to properly navigate your way around the skies, you will need to learn how to use the tools at your disposal. Neglecting to use these tools properly can end in disastrous consequences, which is why proper aircraft education is so important. Here are a few of the basic components used in aircraft navigation.

Altitude Indicator

One of the most important tools used in properly navigating a plane is the altitude indicator. The altitude of the plane is how high it is and without the proper height, you will be subjected to a lot of danger. A trained pilot will be able to know how well they are flying by watching their altitude and making the proper adjustments. You need to make sure that you have the altitude indicator on your aircraft checked out on a regular basis to make sure that it is functioning properly in order to avoid any issues while flying.

Airspeed Display

Another very important tool used to keep a pilot safe during their aircraft travels is the airspeed display. This tells the pilot exactly how fast they are going, which can help them greatly when flying blind. The pilot will be able to calculate how fast they are going in order to figure out how long it should take them to arrive at their destination. Not having this tool will put the pilot and the crew in danger, which is why it is so important to have it checked out on a regular basis.

The Heading Indicator

Yet another very important tool that is used on a regular basis during a flight is the heading indicator. This indicator will be able to give you the Heading Reference that you need to get to your destination without having any problems. The indicator uses the magnetic field of true North in order to give you the right direction to the destination you are in need of getting to. Neglecting to make sure that the heading indicator in your aircraft is working can cause many problems like getting lost while out on a flight. A check should be done on your instruments each time you take off to make sure that you will have smooth sailing.

If you need to replace your Heading Reference, then you need to contact the team at Watson Industries.

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