Bathroom Remodel Costs

by | Jul 7, 2017 | Construction and Maintenance

The cost of renovating your bathroom may vary based on your bathroom’s size, types of materials, and your geographic location. Knowing how these factors influence the final cost of this project is essential before you begin looking for bathroom remodeling estimates in San Antonio.

How Big is Your Bathroom?

The average bathroom remodel is priced at $250 per square foot. This includes the hourly cost for contractors including carpenters, plumbers, and electricians. This figure may fluctuate depending on the cost of living in your area.

Material Costs

The cost of your bathroom remodel will also vary depending on the materials you choose. If you are remodeling a rental property, you may decide to purchase materials on the low end of the cost spectrum. This may involve choices such as using a shower liner instead of tile, and opting for laminate counter tops. If you’re remodeling your personal residence and on a budget, a middle of the road compromise may be appropriate. If cost isn’t as much of an issue you may opt for higher end materials including tile and granite.


Everyone knows that the cost of living affects the price of goods and services. If you live in an area with a low cost of living, the chances of a cheaper bathroom remodel are in your favor. If the cost of living in your area is high, expect the cost of your remodel to reflect that.


Once you have an idea of what your bathroom remodel will cost, it is time to collect estimates. Having a rough idea of what you’re getting yourself into will give you power when choosing between contractors. You’ll want to collect several estimates for comparison to be sure that you are getting the best deal possible.

Taking into account the many aspects that affect the price of your remodel will help you make the best financial choice for your situation.

If you’re looking for bathroom remodeling estimates in San Antonio, contact Shaw Company Remodeling at

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