Benefits Of Having Brachioplasty In Chicago

by | Feb 7, 2015 | Health

Brachioplasty, or arm lift surgery, is a common procedure done in Chicago and elsewhere because many people hate the flabby look of their arms. Whether you are overweight or at a normal weight, you probably dislike the way your arms look when you wave at a friend or do other things. Therefore, you may benefit from the surgery.

Reasons For Hanging Skin

Most people find that their arms have hanging skin after they have recently lost a lot of weight. Your body is adept at stretching the skin when you gain, but sometimes, your arm skin loses its elasticity and cannot go back to the before-stretched size. Another reason for hanging skin is simply age. As you get older, the skin loses elasticity, making it more difficult to keep the tight look for firm skin.

Who Is A Good Candidate?

Men and women can all be good candidates for Brachioplasty in Chicago, so long as they are at a healthy weight that doesn’t fluctuate. If you are overweight, it would be wise to wait until you have lost the weight before considering the surgery. Likewise, if your weight tends to fluctuate frequently, it may reduce the ability of the surgery. Once you gain a little weight again and then lose it, you will likely require another surgery to fix the new problem.

Those with no health problems and that don’t smoke make the best candidates for the surgery.

Preparations and Procedure

Your doctor will prepare you for the surgery, but you should stop taking anti-inflammatory medicines, aspirin and dietary supplements, along with whatever else your doctor says. These medicines and supplements can pose a higher risk of blood loss after and during surgery.

The procedure will likely take about two hours and is considered an out-patient procedure, meaning you will not have to stay overnight for monitoring. However, there is a short period of monitored recovery to ensure there are no problems. Bandages will be placed over the incisions and you may have to wear compression garments to reduce swelling. Your doctor will give you more specific directions that meet your specific body needs.


Benefits include long-lasting results, more confidence and a better self-image. You’ll have more definition in your upper arms, which will be seen immediately afterward, as well as for a long time to come. To know more visit the site

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