Benefits of Seeing a Cosmetic Dentist for Dental Veneers

by | Aug 26, 2020 | Dental Services

Many people who are concerned with the way their teeth look may want to consider seeing a Cosmetic Dentist for help with their issues. This can be especially beneficial if the person has teeth, which have severe staining or yellowing.

Some people who have severe stains or yellowing of the teeth may find using traditional whitening treatments will not remove the stains. This can be especially true if the stains are due to a medical condition or because of medication, such as tetracycline, which had been prescribed in the past. In such situations, Dental Veneers Highland Park may be the best type of treatment to resolve the problem.

Dental Veneers Highland Park are thin porcelain shells, which are custom designed to fit over a person’s existing teeth. The veneer covers the existing tooth without causing damage to the tooth. This allows the tooth to be corrected for cosmetic looks only.

When a person is considering Dental Veneers Highland Park to correct their dental problems, they will need to visit a Cosmetic Dentist. The dentist will need to thoroughly examine the patient’s teeth to ensure Dental Veneers Highland Park will be of benefit in dealing with the patient’s dental issues. A dentist will also need to check the health of the teeth as well.

Once the dentist decides to proceed with the treatment, they will first need to remove a small amount of enamel from the tooth. This will compensate for the veneer. The dentist will take impressions of the patient’s teeth so they can be sent to a dental lab where the veneers will be created.

After the veneers are complete, the patient will need to return to the office for the placement of the veneers. The dentist will first clean the teeth. Generally, minor adjustments to the fit of the veneers will need to be made by the dentist. Once this is done, the dentist will attach the veneers to the patient’s teeth using dental cement.

For anyone with issues with the color of their teeth, seeing a cosmetic dentist can be a good choice. A cosmetic dentist will be able to determine what type of treatment will work best and fastest as well. For more information visit at Chicago Beautiful Smiles.

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