Benefits Offered by Invisalign in Cape Coral Florida

by | Sep 12, 2019 | Dentist

Misaligned or crooked teeth not only look bad, they can also make cleaning the teeth difficult. Teeth that aren’t able to be cleaned properly can develop periodontal disease. This increases the risks of bone and gum damage, along with tooth loss.

While traditional braces offer a solution for these problems, many people want to avoid metal braces. If this is the case, a smart option may be Invisalign in Cape Coral Florida. Get to know some benefits offered by Invisalign here.


Traditional metal braces can cause the mouth’s appearance to be unattractive because of the unsightly metal. They are easily seen, especially on adults, and may have food caught in them without the person wearing them even knowing. With Invisalign in Cape Coral Florida, the braces are virtually impossible and when they are being worn, it’s like they are not there at all.


Invisalign braces are much more comfortable than traditional braces. There’s no metal and the Invisalign aligners can be removed if needed. This makes them more flexible, too.


With conventional metal braces, there’s wire along with protruding bits of metal that can scratch and puncture the interior of the gums and mouth. Clear braces are comfortable and smooth. There are no sharp edges or any protruding bits or edges.

With conventional braces, tooth decay and demineralization may occur. They also use a lot of force to straighten the teeth. With clear aligners none of these issues exist.

Duration of Treatment

A person who wears metal braces may expect the treatment to take up to five years. However, with Invisalign, treatment duration is almost as little as a single year or a year in a half. This usually depends on how severe the problem is.

Don’t underestimate the benefits offered by using Invisalign rather than traditional braces. This offers an array of benefits with many of them seen here. More information about Invisalign and the benefits they offer over traditional braces can be found by taking the time to visit the website. Being informed is the best way to know why Invisalign is a smart option.

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